Lavender Almasi

Datacenter: Dynamis | Server: Kraken

Divinity is the Color of Gold

For Coin and Country

Nationality: Ul'dahn
Profession: Trade Royalty
Business (On Paper): Spices and Silks
Business (Reality): [REDACTED]

A Matter of Taste
Likes and Dislikes

+ Family
+ The Sultana
+ Royalists
+ Music
+ Ul'dahn Cuisine
+ Ul'dahn Fashion
+ Successful Business Deals
- Monetarists
- The Cold
- Travel
- Large Crowds

The Eldest Almasi

Name: Lavender Almasi
Alias: The One-Eyed Viper, The Glassmaker
Title: Trade Princess
Age: Late 20s
Gender: Female
Race: Hyur
Eyes: Green, Left Blinded
Hair: Blonde, Worn in Dreadlocks
Height: 6 Fulms 6 Ilms
Build: Muscled, Broad


Bonne Vivante

The One-Eyed Viper

A giant of a woman, muscled like a bull, Lavender Almasi stands at six and a half fulms in height with thick arms, legs like tree trunks, and a chest as broad as any man’s. Her skin is pale for a woman born amongst Ul'dah's sands, banded in heavy scarring beneath the expensive silks she favors. The left side of her face possesses a deep furrow that passes from brow to throat, purple, ugly, and twisted; the eye is a milky ruin that is often kept covered by finely crafted leather patches. Her surviving eye is a brilliant green, typical of her family, and heavily lined in black kohl. Her hands and arms are painted in rich red-gold henna, the patterns seemingly ever-changing, but themes of flowers, serpents, and unblinking, ever-staring eyes are ever a common thing. Her nails are generally worn long and sharp-pointed, painted in black and gold, and her fingers seem to be forever stained a deep sooty black and sport many jeweled rings. Golden bracelets and anklets appear to be a favorite, their rattling often announcing her entrance into a room, but she seems to forego any earrings as a general rule. She is seldom without the heavy, thick golden necklace that sits rather high on her throat--fashioned in the image of a pair of golden vipers curled about her neck, one sports a left eye is made of a diamond and the right a massive emerald, the other of two identical emeralds. She wears her hair incredibly long, worked into elaborate dreadlocks adorned with trinkets and charms and countless cowry shells that jangle as she walks, reaching to her thighs but frequently worked into a great bun that she binds with a length of bright cloth. Her nose is slightly crooked, her jaw strong, and despite the sheer mass of her build there's yet a lingering, feminine softness to her frame.Carrying herself with all the swagger and sway of someone wholly confident with herself and her place in the world, Lavender still manages to convey a gregarious warmth that borders on motherly. Her voice is boisterous, her presence commanding, but her smiles come easily and her laughter even easier. A patient woman by nature, she has a mind for business and is slow to rile, though her wrath is a dreadful thing to behold once invoked. She is exceptionally tender towards family and given to adopting those who may lack such as her own. Lavender is rarely far from the company of one or more of her siblings. Her twin, Caedenal, is most often found planted on her left, minding his sister's blind side.

A Nest of Vipers

The Almasi Family is both vast and notoriously tight-knit, even as Consortium families go.For generations now they have dwelled within Ul'dah, plying their trade and building their power. Their bloodline is long-lived--perhaps suspiciously so, to some--and it is rare indeed to see one out and about without at least one of the others nearby. Legend maintains that in the days of the family's founding in the time of Etharan the First, their many competitors and enemies all met their end to envenomation by desert vipers. It has widely been assumed that these were deliberate assassinations, though the Almasi children of present day are notoriously inclined to offer a slanted smile and little else if pressed on the matter. The rumor is one that their Monetarist adversaries have absolutely taken and run with over the years, though, giving rise to the moniker that was intended to be disparaging but has instead been wholly embraced by the family.Vipers, they call them, serpents within the Consortium circles and Trade Houses of Ul'dah. Vipers they call them, and so vipers they shall be, in heraldry and in name, taking only a singular and defining word as their own in lieu of a cumbersome, flowery phrase.Untrodden.

The Other AlmasisFather: Etharan Almasi VI
The Old Viper
Mother: Ameliana Almasi
The Mountain Viper
Twin Brother: Caedenal Almasi VI
The Golden Viper
Brother: Etharan Almasi VII
The Forgotten Viper
Sister: Noctuah Almasi
The Emerald Viper
Sister: Anessa Almasi
The Little Viper

The Jewel of the Desert

There is little that Lavender loves as much as she loves Ul'dah--A trait shared amongst the Almasi siblings, instilled by their parents since they were young. Most of her time is spent within the shining desert jewel of a city, and she's generally not difficult to find. New to the area? She'll gladly show you around. Hoping to casually run into her? This is where she'll be.

The Consortium

Since her father's retirement, Lavender has worked to lead her family's Consortium alongside her brothers and sisters. Working on equal footing as a council, they lead an ambitious affair. On paper, the business is a straightforward matter--the trade, import, and export of spices and silks. In reality, the family has been known to have their hands in relic acquisition and brokering, technology, pharmaceuticals, politics, and less savory ventures. These latter aspects of the Consortium are well known but rarely openly discussed and appear to be entirely off the record, with much of the daily operations listed on paper as mercantile ventures. Lavender is always looking for employees and business contacts, as well as chances to expand the reach of her family's power and influence. Gil talks, and she's often happy to sink an investment where there's profit to be made.

The Philanthropist

Often found spending her free time working with and aiding charitable causes in the name of the Sultana, Lavender has been known to put vast sums of coin into that which she takes a keen interest in. It's not infrequent that these causes align with those of Ala Mhigo, much to the chagrin of her siblings. She's a firm believer that those who have the means to do so should strive to aid in the betterment of their less fortunate countrymen's lives, and so she can often be found feeding, clothing, and medicating the needy.

The Royalists

The Almasi family can ever be found embroiled within the unending conflict between Royalists and Monetarists. Fiercely loyal to the Sultana, she is always willing to strike alliances with other Royalists and openly welcomes conflict with those of Monetarist leaning.

The Bloodsands

Prior to her ascension to her role within the family business, Lavender made quite the name for herself in the gladiator arenas alongside her twin brother, Caeden. They were known for their flawless coordination and for the sheer brutality that came to characterize their matches--fighting only for love of the violence and the sport of it all, those who follow the fights are likely to remember her name. Combatants are likely to have crossed blades with her and her brother.

The Devout

A devoted follower of the Traders, Lavender would be a familiar face to many of the clergy of Nald and Thal within Ul'dah. She's a daily visitor of chapels, churches, and shrines, often spending long hours in prayer when matters weigh heavily on her mind.

Caedenal Almasi

Twin Brother
Even amongst a tight-knit family, there is none Lavender is as close to as her twin. One is seldom far from the other, and together they are a frequent sight in the businesses and entertainment venues of the Sultanate.

Ari Kazan'in

Personal Guard
Little and less seems to be known about the woman who Lavender simply calls "Kazan'in" in public. Rumored to be an old war-time contact of her twin's, Lavender ever seems to speak warmly of the Samurai and holds her opinion and advice in high regard.

Andrean Lackland

Business Associate
A reliable airship captain with a talent for discretion is a valuable thing indeed, and Lackland stands out as an important business contact to Lavender and her family as a result. Despite this, she rarely does business with the Viera herself, preferring to leave such matters to her brother.

Lilah Rivers

Perhaps it is because the wee Viera reminds her of her own sisters in some way, or perhaps it is something else entirely--the reason for it is impossible to know, and Lavender isn't inclined to elaborate on the why of it, but of all those she has come to know through the establishment now known as Nightshade, it is Lilah that the One-Eyed Viper seems to hold the greatest soft spot for.

Anessa Almasi

Youngest Sister
The youngest of the vipers has ever been the one to roam the most. Given to wanderlust and oft plagued by duty and expectation, distance does nothing to lessen Lavender's love of the sister that was her inescapable shadow in their youth.

Roronzo Sesenzo

An unapologetic menace who seems to openly delight in testing the bounds of Lavender's legendary patience. Roronzo and the Almasis are currently united in business through the Crescent Cove Trading Company, which has ensured the eldest of the Vipers at least remains cordial, though she hasn't forgotten exactly what the little Monetarist is.

Harper Delacroix

Business AssociateThough both parties involved are said to be notoriously tight-lipped about what, exactly, the nature of their business is, what's clear is that Lavender holds Delacroix in high regard. It's said that Harper has helped to make a considerable amount of coin for the Almasi family, and Lavender can often be overheard praising the other woman's mind for numbers and talent at turning a profit.

The Waking Serpent




Crescent Cove Trading Co.


The Chapel


The Lion's Maw


Out of Character Information

Hi there! My name is Harm and I'm a 30-something wife and mom native to the American Southeast. I tend to keep erratic hours, but I'm EST-based. I've been RPing since I was 12, most recently in WoW and ESO. If you're here, you probably found a link to Lav's carrd in one of the numerous Discord servers I skulk around in, so welcome!+Discord DM is the easiest way to contact me: Mama Harm
+I don't do romantic/relationship RP
+Hand in hand with the above, I don't do random ERP
+Dark/Mature themes are fine otherwise
+Chronically low tolerance for ridiculous nonsense from others
+Will 100% adopt you as one of my Internet Children